A universal requirement: Watchdog demands education be brought under public services act

PESHAWAR: Centre for Governance and Public Accountability (CGPA) has demanded education be included in the K-P Right to Public Services Act 2014.

This was mentioned in a handout issued on Sunday. The CGPA highlighted basic services regarding the education sector were still not included in the purview of the right to public services law. This is in spite of the fact that Article 25-A of the Constitution of Pakistan says the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of five and 16 years.

CGPA demanded basic services be provided — under the public services act — such as the availability of teachers and classrooms as per the number of enrolled students; enrolment of out of school children; and provision of textbooks.

CGPA said the demand for education should be dealt with as a complaint made to Right to Public Services Commission as the citizens have the right to an efficient grievance redressal mechanism.

Notified public services

The provincial government has notified about 19 public services so far, read the handout. These include the registration of first information reports or FIRs in the police stations; issuance of land documents by patwaris/revenue staff; issuance of domiciles, death and birth certifications; approval of building plans (both residential and commercial); treatment of patients at health service delivery outlets; issuance of arms and driving licences; garbage disposal; supply of clean drinking water; provision of water; and disbursement of zakat.

With the passage of time more public services shall be notified by the government under the law.

The CGPA also stressed upon strengthening the district monitoring and facilitation staff currently deployed in all districts of K-P.

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